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Aug 2024 - Sep 2024 


Purrplexed is a creative puzzle-solving game where players guide a unique team of cats—each with distinct personalities and abilities—through a series of intricate challenges.

This was a 4 week project made by 3 people.

Jan 2023 - Now

Stronghold Defenders

Stronghold Defenders is a Strategy game that is a mix of Tower Defense & Resource Management.

This is my current project that I am developing on my own with intent to publish on steam.

Jan 2022 - Dec 2022

Unannounced Hazelight Project

Unannounced Project


My role was Level Designer, Gameplay Designer and Technical Designer.

Nov 2021 - Jan 2022 

Stronghold Defenders [Prototype]

Stronghold Defenders is a Tower Defense game with elements of resource management.

This was a 10 week solo project, so I did all the design, coding and art myself.

Aug 2021


Magnetaria is a 2.5D platformer which revolves around magnets. 

This was a 4 week project with 3 designers and 3 programmers. We used assets from the Epic Games Assets store.

My role was Level Designer, Gameplay Designer and Scrum Master.

May 2021

Dwarf Undecided

Dwarf Undecided is a simulator game where you are a merchant in a fantasy world. You specialize in selling weapons for dwarfs. You need to figure out what weapon is the best fit for the customer to make them happy.

This was a 7 week project in Unreal Engine, with a group of 9 people. We were 3 designers, 3 artists and 3 programmers.

I was the lead designer and I designed all the systems and the gameplay.

March 2021

The Crypt

The Crypt is not really a game, it's a level that I designed for a level design assignment. This level was designed with both gameplay and aesthetic in mind. It's intended to be a cultist crypt.

This was a solo project made in Unreal Engine using free asset packs from the Epic Store.

Jan 2021

The Stowaway

The Stowaway is a First person point & click adventure game where you're aboard this abandon space ship and try to locate and repair a broken engine.

This was a 4 week project, with 9 developers, 3 Designers, 3 Artists and 3 programmers.

I was a gameplay and puzzle designer during this project.

Jan 2021

Dungeon Brawler

Dungeon Brawler is an action rogue-like game where you gear up and use potions to try to survive infinite waves of skeletons.

This was a 1 week project, developed in Unity by me and another Designer. 

I was the UI & system designer/programmer. I worked on the inventory, item & loot system, save & load system and the enemy spawning system.

Nov 2020


Ascend is a multiplayer party platformer game, where you are racing both the other players and the rising lava. Use power ups to sabotage and get past your opponents.

This was developed in Unity. I did all the programming, art and most of the design, but technical- and level design was done by another designer.

Oct 2020

Core Control

Core Control is a arcade game that is mixing the gameplay of Arkanoid and Alien invaders, where you try to stop aliens from shooting and destroying the blocks beneath you.

This was a 2 week Unity project with a team of 10.

I was the lead designer and gameplay designer

Sep 2020


Gunboi is a rogue-like action platformer with unconventional movement. You can only move around by the recoil force from shooting your gun.

This was a 1 week Unity project with 3 designers.

I was both designing and programming the player, 4 enemies (including the boss), and also the upgrade & loot system.


Sep 2020

The Navy Seal

Navy Seal is a platformer game where you can't jump, but instead you can pull yourself forward by throwing an harpoon that also pulls the you towards it.

This was a 1 week solo project, developed in Unity.

March 2020


Pyro-Man is a puzzle game where you solve puzzles by interacting with objects and try to control the right path for the fire to spread.

This was a solo project. I did all the programming, design and art for this project.

Sep 2020

Juke Nemesis

Juke Nemesis is a 1v1 local multiplayer game where you either dodge deadly projectiles and lasers or absorb them to use as weapons against your opponent.


This was a 1 week project, developed by me and another Designer in Unity. We both programmed and designed the game together.

Oct 2019

The Merchant

The merchant is a simulator game where you play as a merchant in a fantasy setting. Order your wares and figure out their worth. Choose what kind of merchant you want to be, one who values customers or money.

This was a solo project made in Game Maker. I did all the programming, design, art and sounds for this project.



Slimer is a puzzle platformer game where you as a slime try to escape from captivity.


It was a 10 week school project which was developed by me and 15 other students in Unity.


My roles were Creative Director, Level- , gameplay- and narrative Designer.


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